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Would the iPad destroy the large screen TVs?

Posted 03 Dec 2011 by jaijai

Now days there is a increase in the number of people are seeing their TV programs and movies in their iPads or tablets. The convenience of watching the favorite programs from any place has immensely popularized the iPads.

It seems in future after a lapse of few years, the future generation will get use to the iPads. Though some people will want to buy the large screen TVs, most of the people will feel contended to watch their favourite sports or movies in their iPad itself.

Though there is always a market for the large TVs, it seems its sale will somewhat shrink owing to the increasing popularity of the iPads, as more and more individuals especially the younger lot feel comfortable to hold their ipads in their hand and watch their favorite program. Just inserting a decent headphone set will provide a good sound for them.

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