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Wide-faced men more likely to lie: Study

London, July 6 (IANS) Men with wide faces are more likely to lie, says a study.

 Co-author of the study, Michael Haselhuhn, said: "Men with wider faces are more likely to explicitly deceive their counterparts in a negotiation and are more willing to cheat to increase financial gain."
 Hundreds of students some doing their masters in business administration and other undergraduates participated in the study.
 The masters students, average age 28, were formed into teams negotiating over a property sale and blokes with a high facial width-to-height ratio (WHR) were much more likely to lie over details of the property, The Sun reported Wednesday.
 The undergraduates, average age 22, were entered in a draw for gift cards, the number of entries per person depending on the roll of two computer-generated dice.
 Again, males with high WHR were more likely to cheat, falsely claiming extra entries by reporting a higher dice roll than they actually got, the report said quoting the study.
 The study Bad to the bone: Facial structure predicts unethical behaviour was published in the Royal Society journal.
 The study points out women have much lower facial WHRs and do not have the same trait.
 Previous studies have shown high facial WHR in men to be a sign of more aggressive behaviour.
 "Those with higher facial WHRs feel more powerful. We propose physical traits that have been selected as reliable signals of male dominance and aggression may also serve as reliable predictors of morally questionable actions," The Sun quoted Haselhuhn as saying.

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