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The world IPv6 day

The next generation Internet Protocol, the IPv6 lectures standard planned to complement and substitute ultimately the IPv6 protocol that most internet services utilize today. In order to prove themselves, the IPv6 has got geared up to handle the heavy inflow of internet traffic. The internet society is organizing a grand day called the world IPv6 day to be held on June 8, 2011. Already most of the biggies in internet world like the Google, Face book have dedicated to the endeavor. On the world IPv6 day the full IPv6 serviceswill run on the major websites for atleast 24 hour time period. The IPv6 day attempt is proposed to be an experiment for the coming generation internet addressing system.

The chief internet Technology officer of the internet society Mr. Leslie Daigle says that “On IPv6 day all websites will facilitate IPv6 on their frontage doors”.
Mr. Daigle is cheering up many website to take part in the world IPv6 Day. The website in order to get IPv6 enabled they have to get the AAAA DNS records as well as getting hosted on IPv6 accessible host.
Mr., Daigle added that this will be only be a learning opportunity for all those individual concerned to watch what if something doesn’t work and most significantly to watch what actually does work”.
The biggest challenges faced is in signifying that IPv6 is prepared for the prime time and not just for consumers to utilize but also the for the businesses to regularly install the services.  

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