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The different types of Technologies

Posted 12 Jul 2011 by jaijai

The technologies are differentiated on the basis of how they are used. They are

Administrative Technology

The tools that are utilized to support and execute a program’s the administrative functions like telephones, fax machines and photocopiers are called as administrative technology.

Assistive Technology

A number of technologies are utilized to teach the students like computers, tape recorder, and speech to text writers. These technological instruments assist the students in his learning physical abilities. The assistive technology ranges from a low tech tape recorder to high tech multimedia equipment.

Informative and entertainment technologies

Television; The television is an informative technology. Through its various broadcasted channels it provides tons of information as well as entertainment.

Cinema is alo a informative and entrtainment technology.

Instructive technology

The instructional technology is mainly instructional, it gives instructions .Some instruments comes under both the administrative and Instructional category like computer, tape recorders etc.

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