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Google feeds Lunar Eclipse lively

The Google offered several methods to watch live on the internet Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse. The earth shielded the rays of the sun from the moon that started at 11.20 am pacific time. From continent like, Australia, Africe, Asia, South America and Europe, the lunar eclipse was visible. The folks at North America including Google were not able to watch the lunar eclipse at first hand. However as an alternative, the search engine tied up with Slooh space camera to facilitate the North American folk to have a look at the lunar eclipse.

The easiest way for an individual was to watch the eclipse was visiting the visit the Google channel off YouTube. The channel offered a live feed on the eclipse. For more detailed setup they checked out the Google Apps powered Slooh’s mission interface. It permitted the visitors to watch the eclipse images from different angles. The guests also listened to audio narrations. The Slooh members were capable of taking high resolution screen shots. The owners of Android phone can download the camera app of the Slooh space that gives a similar experience to the desktop mission interface.

Previously, Google utilized the moon to display the company services. In the year 2009, a complete map of the moon was added to the Google earth by Google. . Live camera images from Slooh were hosted by Google Earth during another lunar eclipse that occurred last year. But this is the first time an Android app has been made available and this was the first lunar eclipse that was live fed on You Tube. 

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