Post # 1
cleaning tips
•For coffee and tea stain, dust some talcum powder in that area and then wash as usual.

•Lemons are excellent stain remover. Fruit juice stain, ice cream stain, ink stain can be removed by rubbing lemon juice on it. Rub lemon juice on that area and wash as usual. No more dirty collars with lemons.

•Lemon juice can be used to clean brass and copper also.
•Greasy spots from clothing can be removed using corn starch.
•For sparkling mirror,crumple a newspaper and wipe the mirror with it.
•To remove stains from knife, rub onion on it and wipe it clean with a cloth.
•Rub a little besan/gram flour to greasy vessels and clean them.Then clean them with soapy water as usual. The grease will vanish.

•Dried lemon peel powder can be added to your cleaning powder to wash utensils.They will sparkle.

•Clean your kitchen surface with lemon juice or lemon peels to get rid of grease.

•Add a little kerosene to a bucket of water and mop the floor using that liquid to get rid of ants and other pest.

•To remove dust from your artificial flowers/plants, use a hair dryer (with low settings) to blow off dust.

•White vinegar diluted with water can be used to clean bathroom tiles. Apply vinegar to the tiles and scrub it with a plastic scrubber.

•A great tip to clean dirty kitchen dusters. Boil them in a solution of soap and washing soda and wash them as usual.

•Fine glass pieces can be picked up using a ball of tamarind or a ball to dough.The glass pieces will stick to it thus making cleaning easier.

•Rub cut lemon on strain or spots on tiles, leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with soap water.

•Neem leaves are Eco friendly insect repellent. They can be kept in bookshelves to keep away silver fish.

•To get rid of mosquitoes, keep a few pieces of camphor in a bowl of water.

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