Post # 1
Santa Singh .. joke!!!
Fed up people making fun of him, Santa Singh (the sardar) decided
to change his religion. He joined a priest in a church as his

One way the priest was called away for an emergency. Not wanting
to  leave the confessional unattended, he called Santa D'costa (his
new assistant) and asked him to cover for him. Santa told him he
would't  know what to say, but the priest told him to stay with him for a
little while and learn what to do.

Santa joined the priest and then followed him into the
A few minutes later a woman came in and said "Father, forgive me for
I have sinned"
Priest: "What did you do?"
Woman: " I committed adultery"
Priest: "How many times?"
Woman: "Three times"
Priest: "Chant Two Hail Marys, put $ 5.00 in the charity box, and
sin  no more"

A few minutes later a man entered the confessional. He said
"Father, forgive me for I have sinned"
Priest: "What did you do?"
Man: "I committed adultery"
Priest: "How many times?"
Man: "Three times"
Priest: "Chant  two Hail Marys, put $ 5.00 in the charity box, and
sin no more"
Santa, a quick learner, told the priest that he understood the job
and the priest could leave.
Santa D'costa was now alone. A few minutes later another woman
entered and said
"Father, forgive me for I have sinned"
Santa: "What did you do?"
Woman: "I committed adultery"
Santa: "How many times?"
Woman: "Once"
Santa: "Go do it two more times, we have a special offer this
week, three times for $ 5.00
Post # 2
RE: Santa Singh .. joke!!!
Post # 3
RE: Santa Singh .. joke!!!
Glad you enjoyed it. Hahahah

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